Understanding Permanency Search Options and Processes – Seneca

This recorded class highlights the processes involved in seeking permanency for foster youth including methods for child recruitment and family search programs.

Mollie Mesaros – the Foster & Adoption Recruitment Manager with the Arizona Department of Child Safety – provides a comprehensive overview of foster and adoption plus the permanency search processes that can be used.

Class Presentation (PDF)

Recorded Zoom Class

Please contact Mollie Mesaros directly for any questions! Her email and phone are noted below.

Searching for Connections

In this class session, she describes the search processes that DCS uses called Seneca to help find people who might know the foster youth as the support team searches for permanency. This may be family, neighbors or people in school that may know the youth. The goal is to find others who may be interested in fostering or adopting the youth but at minimum, the search may help find more caring connections for the youth’s support team.

CASAs may request that a Seneca search be conducted for their CASA youth.


These documents are handouts referred to in the class as examples of the Seneca process.

Sample Seneca Outreach Letter

Sample Seneca Report

Consanguinity Affiliation