Practical Activities to Grow Teen’s Life Skills – Health & Hygiene
This guide from Casey Life Skills offers practical ideas for CASAs and other supportive adults to help CASA youth practice and grow their knowledge in this life skill. “Teachable Moments” are included.
These activities cover topics such as personal hygiene, health, doctor appointments, alcohol drugs and tobacco, to relationships and sexuality.
This guide notes the appropriate age for the activity to guide CASAs with teens of all ages.
Level 1 is for youth ages 8-10 years |
Level 2 is for youth ages 11-14 years |
Level 3 is for youth ages 15-18 years |
Level 4 is for youth ages 19 and older |
You can print or view the list of activities by selecting the link below to display the PDF file.
Practical Exercises for Youth – Health Care & Hygiene
This guide can be used by CASAs with their youth to self assess the knowledge and skills in the area of health care and hygiene. Topics include taking care of myself, health care process and personal hygiene. This is a huge topic and we have attempted to group some of the exercises into separate documents.
This is a printable guide for the youth to use or for the CASA to guide discussion and learning. This excerpt has been modified slightly with some adjustments for Arizona from the PAYA Guides from CASEY Life Skills.
Health & Nutrition – this contains a self-assessment plus exercises related to importance of exercise, nutrition, and eating disorders.
Taking Care of Yourself – this contains exercises related to minor illnesses, emergencies, general survival skills, health insurance, smoking and drug use/abuse.
Personal Hygiene – covering basic topics of personal hygiene.
Personal Care covers medical appointments, family medical history, and health questionnaires at the doctor’s office.
Safety Skills addresses topics such as emergency calls, fire prevention, first aid, bicycle safety, and relationship violence.