Keys to Success – Career and Educational Development Program for Foster Youth
Keys to Success Program - AFFCF
The goal of Keys to Success is to provide career development services for youth aging out of foster care that lead them to discover their potential and a pathway to living wage employment.
Here is a recorded class held in July about this wonderful program.
Once enrolled in the program, participants work with a team that helps them:
- Identify short and long-term career goals
- Prepare for and secure employment
- Identify and complete education/training that aligns with their career plans
- Develop personal and independent living skills
- Connect to partnering organizations that provide additional services or resources.
To enroll in Keys to Success a youth must be between the ages of 16 and 21, be in foster care or have been in care at age 18 and reside in Maricopa or Western Yavapai counties.
To refer your CASA youth – please see this site.
This is an Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation program.