Practical Activities to Grow Teens Life Skills – Job and Career

This guide from Casey Life Skills offers practical ideas for CASAs and other supportive adults to help CASA youth practice and grow their knowledge in this life skill. “Teachable Moments” are included.

This guide notes the appropriate age for the activity to guide CASAs with teens of all ages.

Level 1 is for youth ages 8-10 years
Level 2 is for youth ages 11-14 years
Level 3 is for youth ages 15-18 years
Level 4 is for youth ages 19 and older

You can print or view the list of activities by selecting the link to display the PDF File.

Practical Exercises for Youth in Job and Career

Theses guides offer practical worksheets and exercises for life skills of job and career for youth. It is part of the curriculum in some Independent Living programs – Preparing Adolescents for Young Adulthood (PAYA) guides.

CASAs may find portions of this useful for discussions with younger teens but most appropriate for those older teens preparing to exit foster care. Some of the information is outdated as to costs and products but provide the discussion points for CASAs.

We have provided the entire Work Life Skills Course material for you.

Work Life Skills

Or you may wish to access specific sections as noted below all related to job and career life skills needed:

Employment – Pre-Phase – Assessing Skills

Occupational Skills and Assessments

Preparing for Job Hunt and Applications

Looking for Employment and Skills Needed

How to Write a Resume and Cover Letter

Preparing for an Interview

Where to Look for a Job

Job Maintenance – Staying Employed