Practical Activities for CASAs to Grow Teens Life Skills – Community, Culture and Social Life
This guide from Casey Life Skills offers practical ideas for CASAs and other supportive adults to help CASA youth practice and grow their knowledge in this life skill. “Teachable Moments” are included.
These activities cover topics such as personal development and self talk, cultural awareness, and diversity. Growth in communication skills is so important and included in this Life Skill category.
This guide notes the appropriate age for the activity to guide CASAs with teens of all ages.
Level 1 is for youth ages 8-10 years |
Level 2 is for youth ages 11-14 years |
Level 3 is for youth ages 15-18 years |
Level 4 is for youth ages 19 and older |
You can print or view the list of activities by selecting the link below to display the PDF file.
Social Development includes personal development and cultural awareness.
Communications including communication skills, assertiveness, managing conflict and healthy relationships.
Practical Exercises for Youth – Social Skills
This guide is another method for CASAs to engage with their youth to self assess the knowledge and skills in the area of social skills. Topics include thinking about values, cultural identity and strengths, and valuing diversity. This section also includes problem solving and decision making. Finally, this section contains exercises for relationship decision making, sexuality and prevention topics.
This is a printable guide for the youth to use or for the CASA to guide discussion and learning. This excerpt has been modified slightly with some adjustments for Arizona from the PAYA Guides from CASEY Life Skills.
The summary guide of all topics starts with a self assessment quiz for the youth.