CLASS – Extended Foster Care – Transition Age Services from DCS
This comprehensive class covers the variety of services offered from DCS for youth ages 14 to 23 experiencing foster care in Arizona if they choose to opt into Extended Foster Care. CASAs can help their youth be informed about the wide variety of help provided if they stay in foster care or return after age 18 to transitional care.
This is an on demand Zoom class you can review anytime. Topics cover what is required by law and the different programs from tuition assistance to health care.
Discuss Normalcy and Transition Planning
Extended Foster Care Program
Financial Aid Opportunities
After-care services (TILP)
ADCS Youth Empowerment Council
Foster Child Bill of Rights
Adult/Youth Partnerships
Led by Megan Conrad, DCS Statewide Independent Living Coordinator and Barbara Guillen, Permanency & Youth Service Manager.